Sunday 9 December 2007

Paris Hilton is best known for her infamous sex tape she starred in with ex-boyfriend Rick Salomon. She is also best friends with Nicole Richie. Paris along with Nicole starred in the Fox reality series “The Simple Life” in 2003 and the rest is history. Paris has since then become a world known icon.

Being an heiress definitely came with its perks. Hilton spent her childhood in NYC attending exclusive parties. For school she attended the ultra-exclusive school, the Dwight School, from which she dropped out and eventually earned her high school GED. The heiress eventually made her way to Los Angeles, where she began life as a model.

Hilton was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence on September 7, 2006 for "driving erratically" and failing a field sobriety test. In February of 2007 Hilton was once again stopped by police for driving with a suspended license . That didn’t sit so well with the Judge as he sentenced the heiress to 45-days in the slammer. Paris Hilton served 23 days in the Lynwood detention facility before she was released.

She has since then promised to dedicate her time to more important issues and volunteer her time to charities, rather than spending her time partying.

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